Can You Get a DUI for Taking Prescription Medication?
If someone admits to taking prescription medication during a suspected DUI stop, the police will arrest them and perform a battery of tests, including a breath or blood test.
Since other lives are at risk when someone decides to drive while under drugs or alcohol, the police are rigorous when suspecting someone of DUI. It is advisable to avoid admitting anything to the police; simply be polite, cooperate with them, and decline to answer any questions without an attorney present.
The penalties for a drug-related DUI in California will depend on whether or not there are prior DUI convictions involved. In most cases, there will be a $370 fine and penalty assessment for a total cost of about $2,000. However, this amount can be significantly reduced by performing community service, offering a glimmer of hope in an otherwise challenging situation.
A three, six, nine, 18, or 30-month class will also be required. This class is not just a punishment, but an opportunity to educate people on the consequences of drinking and driving and the road rules, making them more informed and responsible drivers.
A first-offense DUI may result in a jail sentence of six months, while a second or third DUI may result in a jail sentence of up to one year. A fourth DUI may result in a three-year prison sentence.
Other penalties that may be applied include PAWS community labor, attendance of a one-day seminar called Mothers Against Drunk Driving, placement of a SCRAM bracelet on the leg, and prohibition from drinking during the probationary period. The specific penalties that an individual will face after a DUI conviction depends on what the court believes is necessary to protect the public.
Will you be required to have an Ignition Interlock device? A DUI conviction in San Fernando Valley will result in a license suspension. The only way for an individual to obtain a restricted driver's license is to have an ignition interlock device installed in their vehicle.
The device requires them to provide a sample of their breath before starting the vehicle to ensure that no alcohol is detected. This aims to protect the safety of the individual and others on the road.
Blood Test Results In Defending A Drug DUI Case
Blood test results and scientific evidence are used as much as possible to defend against a drug-related DUI. Often, the defense will hire experts to evaluate how the breath and field sobriety tests were performed. Once a criminal attorney sits down with their client and hears their version of events, they'll be better positioned to evaluate whether or not the tests were performed correctly and determine how best to formulate a defense.