Obstruction of Justice Laws in California 

I see this charge filed all the time by law enforcement after they have used physical force against a person in the performance of their duties. This is why I offer my services as an obstruction of justice defense attorney. In today's world, the police must justify everything they do, mainly if they use force against a person while they are doing their job.

When the police use physical force, they often shift the blame to the other person and charge them with obstructing justice. This person is often seen as interfering with the police and deserving of the charge. However, I've also witnessed instances where the police have acted inappropriately, such as bullying or overstepping their authority, and then used the charge of obstruction of justice to cover up their actions.

In these circumstances, my job as an obstruction of justice defense lawyer is to show the prosecutor that the police acted wrong and covered up their actions. There are several effective ways to do this, and it helps that the prosecutors are not stupid and know the police are prone to improperly using this charge to get away with their wrongful acts.

When the police act improperly, they often leave behind evidence that can be used to the defendant's advantage. It's crucial to contact a defense lawyer as soon as possible to ensure that your rights are protected and that this evidence is not overlooked. Failure to do so could result in severe consequences, including a criminal record and potential jail time.

California Law Related to Obstruction of Justice 

Under California Penal Code section 148(a)(1), any conduct or action that hinders or prevents authorities from carrying out their duties, such as the administration of courts, law enforcement actions, or judicial process, is referred to as the crime of obstruction of justice and require the services of an experienced and qualified obstruction of a justice defense attorney.

The problem with this law description is that it is subject to manipulation by law enforcement. In other words, if someone says something they do not like or gets in their way, I have seen them abuse this charge to justify misbehaving towards a person. A few examples of obstruction of justice are resisting arrest, lying as a witness, bribing a witness, jury, lawyer, or judge, threatening a witness, jury, lawyer, or judge, and hiding or falsifying evidence.

I have seen people at their homes having a party, manhandled by the police because they do not move fast enough when they get there and tell them to be quiet and cooperate. If the police have improperly treated you, whether on the road or at your place, it is time to get a professional on your side and start to move things in the right direction! Contacting a defense lawyer should be your first step in this direction.

What are the Penalties If Convicted?

Obstruction of justice can be filed as a misdemeanor or felony, depending on the actions and how severe they were. For example, if a significant amount of violence were involved, the charge would likely be a felony. Other more serious charges can be filed against you in conjunction with Obstruction of Justice charges, like resisting arrest, battery, assault, and a myriad of additional charges that fit the circumstances the police claim they were faced with.

A felony charge can carry harsh penalties and requires the services of an experienced criminal defense attorney. Call our office to discuss your case. If you do not act now, you could face several consequences and severe penalties.

It is the role of your criminal defense attorney to fight for your rights, to show that the police were not performing their duties at the time of your arrest, that they were overreaching, out of line, and that you did not obstruct justice but instead were acting within your rights.

Retain an Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer

As your attorney, we aim to prevent these penalties from being imposed upon your life. We understand and know that often, your conduct may have been misunderstood, and perhaps you were simply exercising your right to free speech. Whatever the case may be, our lawyers will build a strong defense on your behalf to prevent the prosecution from proving the elements of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt.

Depending on the circumstances, the crime of obstruction of justice can be charged in state or federal court. The Hedding Law Firm is experienced and licensed to practice in both courts. Call us to set up a free initial case evaluation, and we will begin our intervention immediately, providing you with the competent legal representation you need.