Why Do You Need the Best Lawyer If Charged with a Sex Crime?

Posted by Ronald D. HeddingApr 08, 2022

Why is having the best criminal defense lawyer crucial if you're charged with a sex crime in California? I've been handling sex crimes now in Los Angeles County for the past 30 years, and I can tell you that they're one of the most challenging cases to defend, and that's one of the biggest reasons you have to have the best criminal defense attorney by your side.

It's terrifying when you're under investigation or already charged with a sex crime and figuring out how you're going to deal with the situation. You're going to want to find someone you consider one of the best sex crime lawyers.  

Best Sex Crime Defense Lawyer in California

First and foremost, because of the nature of the crimes, they have the best detectives investigating the cases in LA and the best prosecutors prosecuting them.  Judges are notorious for giving huge sentences to those who go to trial and lose on a sex crime.  They will max them out a lot of times.

Another huge reason to have the best criminal defense attorney is that all sorts of laws and rules help prosecute sex offenders.  For example, the prosecutors are allowed to stack the bails many times in a sex crime case.

This means when you go in and have the judge set bail at arraignment, if the prosecutors charge multiple charges against you, they can get bail for each one and stack the bail on top of each other. Whereas other crimes, they're not allowed to do that, so having a criminal defense attorney there at the ready, you'll be prepared, can argue against them.

If you can't avoid the stacking of the bails, you'll figure out how to get a bail bondsman and get out of custody and fight your case from the street. Our Los Angeles criminal defense attorneys will discuss this topic in more detail below.

Use of Prior Bad Sexual-Related Conduct

Another thing where the law is slanted against people charged with sex crimes relates to prior bad conduct.  If other women have accused you, for example, of a similar type of conduct as what you're charged with, the prosecutors can try to get that evidence in against you at a potential trial.

So, you want a criminal defense attorney who is used to that type of approach and attempt to block that evidence from coming in against you because it can be very damaging.

Related: Best Defense in California Sex Crime Cases

Experience in the Local Court

How about the experience in the court where your case is pending? Experience with the judge who will be ruling over your case and experience with the prosecutor who will decide what charges are filed against you. This type of experience is crucial in defense of our clients.

It's necessary as you've also got to be able to negotiate with them if they've got the evidence against your client. 

So, experience, I would say, is a primary factor in choosing a defense lawyer, but look at it from the right mind frame, not just somebody who's been an attorney for a long time -- someone who has the specific experience relevant to your type of sex case and the people who are going to be involved with it.

Related: Best Defense in Sex Crimes Cases

Ability to Obtain the Best Outcome

Another thing I see is that lesser attorneys try to take some of these sex crime cases, and they just get bowled over by the prosecutors. The prosecutors are nasty with them, won't negotiate with them, won't listen to what they say.  You have to get an attorney respected by the prosecutors and somebody who can fight for you.

Plea Bargains in Sex Crime Cases

You need somebody who can fight and win a sex crime case.  Even if your case is not winnable, we will most likely negotiate a plea bargain for the best possible outcome. Your criminal lawyer has got to have negotiating skills. It can mean the difference between avoiding serving jail time and registering as a sex offender.

That's the last point I would make on this issue of getting the best criminal defense attorney to defend you on a sex crime case in LA, and that is, having an attorney that can take a case to trial where somebody is charged with a sex crime and win the case.

Because if the prosecutors don't think your attorney is tough as nails and can fight for you, they're not going to give you any deal on the case, even if you're guilty and you don't want to take the case to trial, you should have an attorney who can do that. Otherwise, the prosecutors will not respect that attorney, and you can expect to get the worst possible deal.

What are the Most Common Sex Charges in California?

  • Penal Code 311 PC – child pornography,
  • Penal Code 647.6 PC – child molestation,   
  • Penal Code 288 PC – lewd acts with a minor,
  • Penal Code 288a PC – oral copulation with minor,
  • Penal Code 290 PC – failure to register as a sex offender,
  • Penal Code 314 PC – indecent exposure,
  • Penal Code 647(b) PC – solicitation of prostitution,
  • Penal Code 243.4 PC - sexual battery,
  • Penal Code 261PC – rape,
  • Penal Code 261.5 PC – statutory rape,
  • Penal Code 266h and 266i PC – pimping and pandering,
  • Penal Code 288.4 PC – arrange a meeting with a minor,
  • Penal Code 288.3 PC - contact minor to commit a felony,
  • Penal Code 288.5 PC - continuous sexual abuse of a child,
  • Penal Code 647(a) PC – lewd conduct in public,
  • Penal Code 647(J)(4) PC – revenge porn,
  • Penal Code 653.22 PC - loitering for prostitution,
  • Penal Code 653.23 PC - supervising or aiding prostitution.

Contact the Hedding Law Firm to Review Your Case

If you're looking for the best battle-tested attorney, you've come to the right place.  I learned the ropes early in my career by working for the District Attorney's office in East Los Angeles.

I worked for a Superior Court Judge in Burbank. Finally, in 1994, I put out my shingle and have been a criminal defense attorney defending people just like you all across Los Angeles, surrounding counties, and at the federal level.

If you want the best – and I think you need the best – pick up the phone.  Ask for a meeting with Ron Hedding.  I stand at the ready to help you. The Hedding Law Firm is based in Los Angeles County and represents people across Southern California. We offer a free case review by phone at (213) 542-0979, or you can fill out our contact form.