I've represented many doctors over a 30+ year career in Los Angeles for domestic violence or spousal abuse-related offenses. One of the first things we need to do is sit down and meet and talk about precisely what happened to determine whether we have a defense in the case.

Perhaps it's a situation where we're putting together mitigation to limit the damage you may face associated with this domestic violence charge.
We must look at what happened, why it happened, and the evidence surrounding the case. Realize now, many times, there's video evidence because when the police arrive on the scene, many law enforcement agencies now have bodycam, so if people say things, it will be captured on bodycam.
If a 9-11 call were made, they would get a copy of that 9-1-1 call to know exactly what was said. If any witnesses were present, the police would take their statements. They're going to have the statement captured on the bodycam video.
To try to reverse it later and say, now my significant other does not want to press charges against me, the people of the state of California, also known as the prosecutors, don't care about that. If they've got a good case, they will prosecute it unless it's a situation where there was an argument and something physical, and the injuries were very mild.
Nowadays, we have a shot at getting some City Attorney hearing to prevent a filing in the case. You don't have to worry about defending yourself in court if the case is not filed.
Another thing that's important to know is that when you show up for your first court appearance, the judge will order you to stay 100 yards away from your significant other and put a full protective order against you.
You want to start dealing with and planning for that right from the beginning. Some things can be done to mitigate that, but they have to be done right away, and they have to be done correctly.
Professional License Issue
Another considerable factor related to doctors in domestic violence cases is the potential to lose your ability to practice medicine moving forward. So, I need to work with whomever your attorney is who will be dealing with your professional license once this is all done.
We need to devise a plan to see if we can win the case. Can we go to a jury trial, fight it and win it? Or do we need to develop another solution that still puts you in the best position regarding your ability to practice medicine moving forward?
What Are the Common Domestic Violence Cases?
The most common charges that are related to domestic violence in Los Angeles include the following:
- Penal Code 243(e)(1) PC - domestic battery,
- Penal Code 273.5 PC - corporal injury to a spouse,
- Penal Code 422 PC – criminal threats,
- Penal Code 273.6 PC – violate a restraining order,
- Penal Code 273a PC - child endangerment,
- Penal Code 273d PC - child abuse,
- Penal Code 368 PC - elder abuse,
- Penal Code 136.1 PC – dissuading a witness,
- Penal Code 646.9 PC – stalking,
- Penal Code 591 PC – damaging a phone line.
Experienced Domestic Violence Defense
My experience runs deep. I've handled thousands of domestic violence cases over the years, both at the felony and misdemeanor levels. I've represented many doctors and many professionals. I've worked hand in hand with those people to try to do everything possible to get the best result.

I know how to fight these cases. I know how to win these cases. I know how to mitigate these cases, and that's probably one of the first things you want to know, is that you want to get a lawyer who's got experience in the court where your case is pending – has dealt with the prosecutors, the judges, and has had success.
But you also want to realize from the beginning that you must decide how to handle the case. Are we going to investigate, fight, and defend you in a jury trial, or do the prosecutors have evidence that you're guilty? We need to mitigate the circumstances, get character letters and do other things that can help convince the prosecutors not to throw the book at you.
So, step one, pick up the phone. Make the call. Let's figure out a time to meet. We can either meet in my office, or if you're a doctor and you have trouble coming out to my office, I may be able to come to your office so we can sit down face to face, tackle this thing and do what is necessary to get you the result you must have.
If you need the best, if everything is on the line – including being kicked out of your own house because the courts can issue a protective order when you make your first appearance in criminal court.
Pick up the phone now. Ask for a meeting with Ron Hedding. I stand at the ready to help you. We offer a free case evaluation by phone or using the contact form. The Hedding Law Firm is located in Los Angeles, CA.
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